Minutes of the Bi-Monthly Meeting of Knaith Parish Council held in the
Village Hall on Monday 14th November 2022


Present:                 Councillor D. Belton (Chairman)

                                Councillor A. Morphet
                                Councillor S. Breeze
                                Councillor D. Randall

                                Councillor E. Bailey

                                Councillor W. Stanser
                                Mrs E. Coulson (Clerk)   



15 Minute Public Forum

  1. A Parishioner found a cat caught in a Gin Trap. The cat escaped and ran off and the Gin Trap was handed to Councillor Belton who subsequently reported it to the police.
  2. Some drains have been cleared within the Parish.
  3. 40 acre field repair works. Works done to rectify drainage issues. Gas pipe under new management and agreed to install new drainage.
  4. Footpaths have been cleared - Railway through Rhododendron woods.
  5. Quite a bit of discarded litter in the Parish of late. MacDonald’s wrappers etc.



1/11/22. Gate Burton Energy Park Briefing

Edward Thompson, Lauren McGill and Katherine attended from Gate Burton Energy Park.

Edward provided a brief update on the public’s feedback. Main themes/points were:

  1. Loss of agricultural land
  2. Construction site compound
  3. Walking routes will be lost
  4. Concerns with regards archaeology sites – Primarily Knaith Priory.
  5. Knaith Park will be significantly impacted.


Around 78% of people who responded to the consultation were against the project with only 2% in support.

Moving forward the team is working towards the application to the Planning Inspectorate. This application will be late January to early February 2023 and if accepted to examine an estimated decision would be made early 2024.

It was put to them by the Councillors that as a high proportion of negative feedback and with the majority of people are against the project then how are they allowed to go ahead. Edward responded by saying that this project would provide electric for 600,000 homes. What would be the views of these people? The implication that this project is for the greater good and the concerns/objections of those that this project will affect is irrelevant.

Councillor Morphet – When this project was first proposed the Parish Council was in favour of renewable energy but now the grand scheme of this project and the other proposed projects has majorly changed our views.

The Parish Councils views are as follows:

Why are sites that do not affect anyone not being considered, for example Moor land. Why do they have to be on viable agricultural land and encompassing the hamlets that are within this land? Cumulative impact as these separate projects should be seen and treated as one project.

No answers could be given to these points from Gate Burton Energy Park.

It was expressed that already people are engaging Barristers and fundraising to fight these projects.

What about Food Security – (GB) The food that is produced on the land currently is used for animal food, bio fuels etc. (KPC) This is because farmers get a better price for these products and land is being reclassified and re-examined all the time. This is no longer a single case argument, these project span 20 x 40 miles.

15 Months ago the public view was an open one with regards these projects and this has now heavily shifted.

(GB) Views shift constantly and with the energy Crisis a major concern. (KPC) Surely money that will be sent to the Middle East to produce these panels would be better spent in the UK.

Views of Local and National Councillors have heavily shifted in the last 12 months.

Councillor Breeze – The photo’s provided by Gate Burton Energy Park are not a true representation of the view as they are not looking at eye height. Lauren will look into this as they should reflect eye height at 1, 5 and 15 years.

Councillor Stanser – The responses received, were independent emails taken into consideration? Lauren, Yes all were taken into account, broken down and treated the same.

Councillor Randall – Has wind power been considered as this may be a better option? Edward, that is a matter of opinion as some people that live near the wind farms would not say that. These options are only considered in Wales and Scotland at present.

Councillor Belton –How long do the panels last for? Edward, they have a 30 years warranty.

Councillor Bailey – How old is the company? Edward, 11th year of operation and they operate 1 in 5 solar farms in the country. 

Councillor Bailey – Out of all the projects has any been so vehemently against as this one? Edward, Yes.

They are going to listen to concerns and queries to work together. Archaeology digs are continuing with some areas of interest identified which may be the priory. They are medieval not Roman. A Roman house has also been found. 

Councillor Belton – Can the Cable route be incorporated with the other projects and why can the site not be right near the power station? Edward, these are not our projects so cannot comment and the area around Cottam is flood plains and the site would require an unreasonable cost to make viable.

Edward – The new consultation has made some tweaks with regards traffic access and following land boundaries etc. Any comments can be emailed/online or via the feedback form.

The Chairman thanked Gate Burton Energy Park for attending and they then left the meeting at 19.25.


2/11/22. Apologies for absence

Councillor Bowdler and District Councillor Milne both sent in apologies, which were accepted.

3/11/22. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make declarations at this point but also make them at any point during the meeting

There were no declarations at this time.


4/11/22. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting on 26th September 2022

Minutes have been circulated and it was Proposed by Councillor Breeze, and seconded by Councillor Morphet and resolved to sign as a true record.  


5/11/22. Clerk’s report on Outstanding Matters

  • Street Sign

This has been replaced

  • Queen’s Jubilee Grant

District Councillor Milne got a response from WLDC, please see below:

The fund was closed to new applications on 25th April 2022 after our total budget had been awarded. Our website was updated to explain any new applications after this date would go onto a reserve list in case of another project cancelling but this didn’t happen.

As a result of the demand, applications we reviewed just prior to 25th April also had their grant amounts reduced a bit so we could push through as many projects as possible.

The total time of the fund being open was from late November 2021 to 25th April 2022.

Kind regards,


Grant White

  • Highways & Ditches

Report 432339 - still no update from LCC Highways as yet, I have requested an update.

  • Parking on Padmoor Lane

Leaflets were produced and distributed.

  • Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Notice Boards updated.

  • Defibrillator

A resident (LIVES Member) has removed the Defib from the Stag’s Head Car Park over access concerns. The Clerk has been in contact with them and WLDC with regards the maintenance and repair. WLDC maintenance programme is £100 for the year and the defibrillator can be brought back up to spec under the scheme. However, the machine needs to be in situ for this to happen. The Village Hall has been suggested as its new home and Councillor Stanser was going to speak to the Village Hall Committee to discuss. It does require a power source as it does have a heater for the colder months.  

Councillor Stanser has spoken to the Village Hall Committee and no issue with this being installed on the Village Hall. Electrician needs to be sourced for installation. Clerk to contact WLDC and Councillor Stanser to contact Electrician for quote.   WS and EC


6/11/22. Correspondence

  • Crime Reports for September and October – Circulated.
  • General Correspondence – List circulated.


7/11/22. Financial Matters

  • Financial Statement to 14th November – With payments totalling £1,447.32 and £0.99 in receipts. It was resolved that the Chairman would sign the statement for the record.
  • Internal Audit July to September 2022 – Approved and signed by Councillor Bailey and The Clerk.
  • Precept Estimate and Budget – The budget has been circulated. With the view that next year is an election year, WLDC has advised to budget £450 for potential associated costs. With rising costs with associated projects it was proposed that the budget should reflect the real cost which have been absorbed in previous years.  The proposed budget would result in an increase in the precept from £3,197 to £3,934. The majority of this increase coming from the provision of election costs. The further £289 is for the increase in operational costs. It was noted that the Precept has not increased in a number of years and was even decreased one year. At its current level the Parish Council would run at a loss if this increase was not implemented.  

The Clerk highlighted that the actual tax base has not yet been issued but WLDC and that the % increase will be less once this has been issued.   

It was proposed by Councillor Morphet that the Precept Estimate should be submitted with the increase. This was seconded by Councillor Randall with ALL in favour. The Clerk to submit Precept Estimate based on circulated budget. EC


8/11/22. Gate Burton Energy Park

No further comments made.


9/11/22. Village Hall

Councillor Bailey and Stanser declared an interest.

Councillor Stanser has contacted the Charity Commission and unfortunately they did not have an answer. They directed him to the website which has a section of Village Halls.

Councillor Belton will contact the original solicitor for advice on re-writing into a modern document. DB


10/11/22. Broadband

Quickline have announced that they are now going to include Knaith Park in the current rollout. The Fibre will be to property not to post.

Councillor Breeze is going to attend one of the open events being held by Quickline and report back on questions/queries raised. SB

Q & A’s are being held at Rose and Crown Upton 17/11/22 12-4pm and Kexby Village Hall Wednesday 23rd November 1-4pm. 


11/11/22. Speeding Initiatives

A speed monitoring system was set up in Knaith Park by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. It was installed for the week commencing 23rd September. The following is an extract from the report;


 ‘Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles was 29 mph in a 30 mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.




I have researched the collisions involving personal injury for the last 3-year period up to a data date of 30/09/2022 and there have been no recorded collisions.


 Highways engineers within the Road Safety Partnership have assessed the area and inform me that no engineering casualty reduction measures were identified.


The Government is committed to ensuring that the process for deploying speed cameras is transparent and that cameras are only used at locations where they can make a demonstrable reduction in speed related casualties. The only form of speed enforcement that the LRSP can carry out is with the use of speed cameras; however, the site selection process has to comply with the criteria set out by the Department for Transport. This criterion includes locations where there are a history of speed related injury collisions supported by evidence of a high degree of non-compliance with the speed limit. In that respect Lincolnshire Police through the Road Safety Partnership adheres to the site selection criteria set out by the Department for Transport to ensure that the process is completely transparent and that cameras are only used as a casualty reduction measure. The results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.’


The Parish Council reviewed the results along with the results of the mobile camera exercises that have been done and it was resolved that the results of both of these exercises do not highlight any/enough evidence to justify the capital expenditure of a new fixed speed indicator. The Parish Council will continue with the mobile speed gun exercises and the mobile speed indicator for the foreseeable future.


12/11/22. Items of information to be noted and if necessary, dealt with at the next meeting.

  • Noted that a fence has been erected to close the wooded area off on Padmoor Lane. This was in fact part of the agreement when the Forestry Commission used it to remove the wood that had been felled. They have installed a fence and there will be further planting as part of the agreement.
  • A Parishioner has received an emailed from residents at the Stag’s Head with regards their clients using the pub car park. They replied as they said this is not the case but the resident did complain about the rubbish that has been left in front of the pub. This has since been removed.
  • It has been reported of some cars acting suspiciously down Station Road with the smell of drugs being apparent. 


13/11/22. Date for next meeting

A date was set for the next Bi-Monthly Parish Council Meeting - Monday 9 January 2023 at 6.30 pm.

With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.36pm.




Signed ………………………………………. Dated ………………………………